Old Lady in College

Professor: "as my facts and figures clearly show..." Old student: "no, my anecdotal evidence trumps your valid statistics"


class offered an early final makes sure it is taken on dec 23

class offered an early final makes sure it is taken on      dec 23  Old Lady in College

barbara stanwyck and i used to take the trolley

barbara stanwyck and i used to take the trolley  Old Lady in College

Sex Education 101 Should dentures be removed before trying that?

Sex Education 101 Should dentures be removed before trying that?  Old Lady in College

in college for the parties

in college for the parties  Old Lady in College

Funny you should mention it I've been telling people to mind their p's and q's for years

Funny you should mention it I've been telling people to mind their p's and q's for years  Old Lady in College

When I was a girl the dead sea was just sick

 When I was a girl the dead sea was just sick  Old Lady in College

First female admitted to Georgia Tech in 1917 Regrets doing two coops

First female admitted to Georgia Tech in 1917 Regrets doing two coops  Old Lady in College

Front page of Reddit? I was there when that happened.

Front page of Reddit? I was there when that happened.  Old Lady in College

GOes on and on about her address being posted on a forum Asks same forum how to grow pot in her attic as a hobby

GOes on and on about her address being posted on a forum Asks same forum how to grow pot in her attic as a hobby  Old Lady in College
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