Overly Patriotic American

Sees own country in title Better open up comments. Might have to masturbate to freedom

Sees own country in title Better open up comments.  Might have to masturbate to freedom  Overly Patriotic American

Hurricane Sandy? America's ready for you bitch

Hurricane Sandy? America's ready for you bitch  Overly Patriotic American

Hurricane Sandy? We gonna run you outta the hole you came from bro!

Hurricane Sandy? We gonna run you outta the hole you came from bro!  Overly Patriotic American

Hitler is back? Unleash chuck norris!!!

Hitler is back? Unleash chuck norris!!!  Overly Patriotic American

Wolverines! Fuck you, you commie bastards!

Wolverines! Fuck you, you commie bastards!  Overly Patriotic American

flag made in china shotgun made in italy

flag made in china shotgun made in italy  Overly Patriotic American

'Kids!' 'Dinner is ready!'

'Kids!' 'Dinner is ready!'  Overly Patriotic American

remember when america was more than rednecks?

remember when america was more than rednecks?  Overly Patriotic American

there's nothin in this trailer worth dyin for

there's nothin in this trailer worth dyin for  Overly Patriotic American

this is...! 'murica

this is...! 'murica  Overly Patriotic American
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