Paddlin Jasper

reposting front page content five days later? That's a paddlin'.

reposting front page content five days later? That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper

Sayin you have 2 TB of RAM That's a paddlin'.

Sayin you have 2 TB of RAM That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper

Bitchin' about too many uptokes inr/trees? That's a paddlin'.

Bitchin' about too many uptokes inr/trees? That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper

Holy Warrior Fighting For Justice? That's a paladin

Holy Warrior Fighting For Justice? That's a paladin  Paddlin Jasper

repost? That's a paddlin'.

repost? That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper

Spamming local with recruitment posts That's a wardecin'.

Spamming local with recruitment posts That's a wardecin'.  Paddlin Jasper

A holy knight with divine powers who fights for all that is good? That’s a paladin

A holy knight with divine powers who fights for all that is good? That’s a paladin   Paddlin Jasper

Bitchin' about being penalized for handing in a corrupt file That's a paddlin'.

Bitchin' about being penalized for handing in a corrupt file That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper

Makin' another meme to replace me That's a downvote

Makin' another meme to replace me That's a downvote  Paddlin Jasper

Leviticus That's an abomination

Leviticus That's an abomination  Paddlin Jasper
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