Paddlin Jasper

Postin fake tour dates? That's a paddlin'

Postin fake tour dates? That's a paddlin'  Paddlin Jasper

Bitchin' bout crazy facebook people and then being one... That's a paddlin'.

Bitchin' bout crazy facebook people and then being one... That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper

Getting our hopes up that it's good girl college liberal and actually posting OAG That's a paddlin'.

Getting our hopes up that it's good girl college liberal and actually posting OAG That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper

Taking scissors without leaving your department code... That's a paddlin'.

Taking scissors without leaving your department code... That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper

Putting hashtags on your Facebook posts that's a paddlin..

Putting hashtags on your Facebook posts that's a paddlin..  Paddlin Jasper

when you have to take the 20 home and half of the bus gets off at college eight

when you have to take the 20 home and half of the bus gets off at college eight  Paddlin Jasper

Hashtags work on Facebook now? Still a paddlin'

Hashtags work on Facebook now? Still a paddlin'  Paddlin Jasper

Making world of warcraft puns That's a paladin

Making world of warcraft puns That's a paladin  Paddlin Jasper

heavy plate and holy spells? That's a Paladin.

heavy plate and holy spells? That's a Paladin.  Paddlin Jasper

Making me do work on my birthday? That's a paddlin'.

Making me do work on my birthday? That's a paddlin'.  Paddlin Jasper
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