Paranoid Parrot

adds sentence to paper saves twice, backs up to flashdrive

adds sentence to paper saves twice, backs up 
to flashdrive  Paranoid Parrot

black guy walking towards me, cross the street into group of black guys no escape

black guy walking towards me, cross the street into group of black guys no escape   Paranoid Parrot

Uses FUS RO DAH Looks around for guards for next 5 minutes

Uses FUS RO DAH Looks around for guards for next 5 minutes  Paranoid Parrot

Get back on FB after telling a friend you are going to bed quickly disable chat and refuse to post anything for the rest of the night so they don't think you lied

Get back on FB after telling  a friend you are going to bed quickly disable chat and refuse to post anything for the rest of the night so they don't think you lied  Paranoid Parrot

Ride is 5 minutes late what if they're dead?

Ride is 5 minutes late what if they're dead?  Paranoid Parrot

has over the ear headphones, takes them off to make sure that no one can hear it

has over the ear headphones, takes them off to make sure that no one can hear it  Paranoid Parrot

Time to masturbate. Tapes over web cam first.

Time to masturbate. Tapes over web cam first.  Paranoid Parrot

Roomate drops shampoo bottle in the shower Presumed dead

Roomate drops shampoo bottle in the shower Presumed dead  Paranoid Parrot

Proofread Facebook status 50 times to make sure there's no grammatical errors before posting.

Proofread Facebook status 50 times to make sure there's no grammatical errors before posting.  Paranoid Parrot

2+2 on test use calculator to be sure

2+2 on test use calculator to be sure  Paranoid Parrot
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