
Si la vainilla me gusta mas que el chocolate... puede gustarme el chocolate mas que la vainilla?

Si la vainilla me gusta mas que el chocolate... puede gustarme el chocolate mas que la vainilla?  Philosoraptor

Is saying you are "down" for something The same thing as saying you are "up" for it?

Is saying you are

if someone has less than $2.00 is it okay to slay them?

if someone has less than $2.00 is it okay to slay them?  Philosoraptor


Rarrrrrr   Philosoraptor

If time is money and thereby money is time, then if im broke am I dead?

If time is money and thereby money is time, then if im broke am I dead?  Philosoraptor

if the opposite of pro is con is the opposite of progress congress?

if the opposite of pro
is con is the opposite of progress
congress?  Philosoraptor

If you eat a manbearpig Is it 1/3 cannibalism?

If you eat a manbearpig Is it 1/3 cannibalism?  Philosoraptor

If else

If else  Philosoraptor

What if all of psycology is just a placebo effect?

What if all of psycology is just a placebo effect?  Philosoraptor

if you say you always lie is that the truth?

if you say you always lie is that the truth?  Philosoraptor
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