
If you "fake it 'till you make it" when you make it will you be fake?

If you

What if all your birthday wishes are april fools jokes

What if all your birthday wishes are april fools jokes  Philosoraptor

What if it is called pink slime Because soylent green was already taken

What if it is called
pink slime Because soylent green was already taken  Philosoraptor

If Jesus was a Jew then why do we celebrate Easter by eating ham?

If Jesus was a Jew then why do we celebrate Easter by eating ham?  Philosoraptor

if someone has sex with a zombie is it still considered necrophilia?

if someone has sex with a zombie is it still considered necrophilia?  Philosoraptor

If God is omnipotent why did he have to kill his son to save us from the place he'll send us if we kill our sons?

If God is omnipotent why did he have to kill his son to save us from the place he'll send us if we kill our sons?  Philosoraptor

If a bakers dozen is thirteen Then is a bakers couple suppose to be three?

If a bakers dozen is thirteen Then is a bakers couple suppose to be three?  Philosoraptor

If Shuma Gorath is the god of his dimension Why is he bottom tier in MVC3?

If Shuma Gorath is the god of his dimension Why is he bottom tier in MVC3?  Philosoraptor

If you know you have to do your reading journals does it mean you won't procrastinate? (Nope, still going to)

If you know you have to do your reading journals does it mean you won't procrastinate? (Nope, still going to)  Philosoraptor

If Mexican Americans celebrate Mother's Day on Friday in Spanish Do they still celebrate it again on Sunday but just in English?

If Mexican Americans celebrate Mother's Day on Friday in Spanish Do they still celebrate it again on Sunday but just in English?  Philosoraptor
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