

if barney is a dinosaur from kids' imaginations Does that imply that the parents are high or experiencing a moment of hallucination, since they see him as well?

if barney is a dinosaur from kids' imaginations Does that imply that the parents are high or experiencing a moment of hallucination, since they see him as well?  Philosoraptor

IF GERRARD GETS INJURED DOES THIS mean jonjo shelvey or jay spearing is in?

IF GERRARD GETS INJURED DOES THIS mean jonjo shelvey or jay spearing is in?  Philosoraptor

If Taylor Swift marries Taylor Lautner Would they both be Taylor Lautner?

If Taylor Swift marries Taylor Lautner Would they both be Taylor Lautner?  Philosoraptor

What if your intelligence was mesured by The economic condition of the country you were born

What if your intelligence was mesured by The economic condition of the country you were born  Philosoraptor

Do europeans think americans have cool accents?

Do europeans think americans have cool accents?  Philosoraptor

If an old, outdated politician is a "political dinosaur" are progressive dinosaurs "political humans"?

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if gifs take longer to load than videos why do they get more up votes?

if gifs take longer to load than videos why do they get more up votes?  Philosoraptor

If C-3P0 was created by Anakin Skywalker, does that mean that he's Luke and Leia's Half-Brother?

If C-3P0 was created by Anakin Skywalker, does that mean that he's Luke and Leia's Half-Brother?  Philosoraptor

If god made disease can jesus cure god?

If god made disease can jesus cure god?  Philosoraptor
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