
What if sloths are the most intelligent animals on earth but they can't be bothered to tell us

What if sloths are the most intelligent animals on earth but they can't be bothered to tell us  Philososloth

What if time is constantly stopped And things only move when I am looking at them

What if time is constantly stopped And things only move when I am looking at them  Philososloth

Thats a beautiful toaster Now if only I could make grilled cheese in it

Thats a beautiful toaster Now if only I could make grilled cheese in it  Philososloth

What if thinking sloth becomes more popular than philosoraptor

What if thinking sloth becomes more popular than philosoraptor  Philososloth

If people dont smoke because of society's dissaproval Aren't they succumbing to peer pressure?

If people dont smoke because of society's dissaproval Aren't they succumbing to peer pressure?  Philososloth

How did I get this high ? Oh.

How did I get this high ? Oh.  Philososloth

if smoking a shit- ton of weed is supposed to get you really high. . . why do i end up on the floor

if smoking a shit- ton of weed is supposed to get you really high. . . why do i end up on the floor  Philososloth

What if sloths are the fastest animals on earth so our eyes can't see them moving but they teturn at the exact same spot in the interval our eyes "capture" images

What if sloths are the fastest animals on earth so our eyes can't see them moving but they teturn at the exact same spot in the interval our eyes

Highidea? Or greatest highidea!

Highidea? Or greatest highidea!  Philososloth

Should I eat them both Or save one for later

Should I eat them both Or save one for later  Philososloth
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