Privilege Denying Dude

SRSluts love sucking my cock It helps them with their bennhurt

SRSluts love sucking my cock It helps them with their bennhurt  Privilege Denying Dude


 RON PAUL  Privilege Denying Dude

bisexual? You'll get over it.

bisexual? You'll get over it.  Privilege Denying Dude

If we can have a black history month... why can't we have a white history month?

If we can have a black history month... why can't we have a white history month?  Privilege Denying Dude

I can identify your terms paternalistically SO I will cisgender deny your patriarchal identity oppression with sexist mansplaining

I can identify your terms paternalistically SO I will cisgender deny your patriarchal identity oppression with sexist mansplaining  Privilege Denying Dude

My right to bare arms Trumps your right to feel safe

My right to bare arms Trumps your right to feel safe  Privilege Denying Dude

the wnba is a pathetic embarrassment solely because i find their style of play to be less entertaining

the wnba is a pathetic embarrassment solely because i find their style of play to be less entertaining  Privilege Denying Dude

I drove around with a rainbow magnet on my Prius. It's time for action, you know.

I drove around with a rainbow magnet on my Prius. It's time for action, you know.  Privilege Denying Dude

Sure some women are paid less than men but *all* women are paid more per game in pro tennis

Sure some women are paid less than men but *all* women are paid more per game in pro tennis  Privilege Denying Dude

If we all came from Africa then there are no "natives" anywhere else

If we all came from Africa then there are no
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