Rasta Science Teacher

I like smoking weed

I like smoking weed  Rasta Science Teacher

Give me a blunt assessment on those course evaluations

Give me a blunt assessment on those course evaluations  Rasta Science Teacher

Let's light up those bunsen burners in the lab and start the assignment

Let's light up those bunsen burners in the lab and start the assignment  Rasta Science Teacher

lets begin tokin about thermodynamics

lets begin tokin about thermodynamics  Rasta Science Teacher

let's blaze through these problems so you can get out early

let's blaze through these problems so you can get out early  Rasta Science Teacher

Time to get higher Test scores next semester

Time to get higher Test scores next semester  Rasta Science Teacher

I came to uvm because i love the green mountains and beautiful lake

I came to uvm because i love the green mountains and beautiful lake  Rasta Science Teacher

Im going to pack another bowl of weed so we can all get high as f**k

Im going to pack another bowl of weed so we can all get high as f**k  Rasta Science Teacher

can someone pass me a blunt object so i can break up these minerals

can someone pass me a blunt object so i can break up these minerals  Rasta Science Teacher

I'm blown away by your test scores

I'm blown away by your test scores  Rasta Science Teacher
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