Rick perry

I cant remember things in 3's thats the joke

I cant remember things in 3's thats the joke  Rick perry

excalibur is the best character in soul eater

 excalibur is the best character in soul eater  Rick perry

America's laws should reflect christ's teachings. except for forgiveness, charity, and, um.... Sorry. What was that last one? EPA?

America's laws should reflect christ's teachings. except for forgiveness, charity, and, um.... Sorry. What was that last one? EPA?  Rick perry

Psst, Ron can you remind me what I'm against again?

Psst, Ron can you remind me what I'm against again?  Rick perry

Wants to eliminate government agencies Can't remember their names

Wants to eliminate government agencies Can't remember their names  Rick perry

“I am truly offended that the American public would be hoodwinked by stories that do not scientifically hold up” believes in god

“I am truly offended that the American public would be hoodwinked by stories that do not scientifically hold up” believes in god  Rick perry

Dexter and deb kiss? they make a cute couple

Dexter and deb kiss? they make a cute couple  Rick perry

the south will rise again After texas secedes

the south will rise again After texas secedes  Rick perry

Fred Weasley deserved to die

Fred Weasley  deserved to die  Rick perry

Pro Gun

Pro Gun  Rick perry
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