Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey girl, Thank you! YOU have a good day.

Hey girl, Thank you! YOU have a good day.   Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey Nertila Happy Birthday

Hey Nertila Happy Birthday  Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey Emily. It's ok if you don't want to celebrate your birthday. Why don't I take you and your mum out for drinks and dinner followed by a foot massage while we stare into each others eyes.

Hey Emily. It's ok if you don't want to celebrate your birthday. Why don't I take you and your mum out for drinks and dinner followed by a foot massage while we stare into each others eyes.   Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey girl, Wanna hang out this weekend for your birthday?

Hey girl, Wanna hang out this weekend for your birthday?  Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey girl, Herp derp cross eyed fairy

Hey girl, Herp derp cross eyed fairy   Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey girl, This poster is way too ugly!

Hey girl, This poster is way too ugly!   Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey girl, the maker of this meme doesn't know who your favourite actor is But anyway, Happy Birthday

Hey girl, the maker of this meme doesn't know who your favourite actor is But anyway, Happy Birthday  Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey Fatima, I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.

Hey Fatima, I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.  Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey girl, Happy Birthday. I'll be at your birthday dinner and for dessert, we can cuddle.

Hey girl, Happy Birthday. I'll be at your birthday dinner and for dessert, we can cuddle.  Ryan Gosling Birthday

Hey Amy Happy 21st Birthday

Hey Amy Happy 21st Birthday  Ryan Gosling Birthday
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