Science Major Mouse

miniprep, midiprep, maxiprep no bands on gel

miniprep, midiprep, maxiprep no bands on gel   Science Major Mouse

watson and crick win nobel prize rosalind franklin was robbed

watson and crick win nobel prize rosalind franklin was robbed  Science Major Mouse

Engineers are scientists too lol jokes

Engineers are scientists too  lol jokes  Science Major Mouse

Learn About Benzene Rings In OChem Scream Every Time You See A Hexagon

Learn About Benzene Rings In OChem  Scream Every Time You See A Hexagon    Science Major Mouse

learn new biological concept make pick-up lines

learn new biological concept make pick-up lines  Science Major Mouse

put sugar into iced tea solubility

put sugar into iced tea solubility  Science Major Mouse

Spend 4 hours trying to fix Matlab code Missing one comma

Spend 4 hours trying to fix Matlab code Missing one comma  Science Major Mouse

take orgo cry self to sleep at night

take orgo cry self to sleep at night  Science Major Mouse

Accidentally forget to wash hands after microbiology lab and touch mouth. Weep for all the microorganisms you are ingesting.

Accidentally forget to wash hands after microbiology lab and touch mouth. Weep for all the microorganisms you are ingesting.  Science Major Mouse

Sorry Food people "Organic" doesn't mean the same thing to me

Sorry Food people
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