Scumbag Baby Boomers

Funded college because of loan from parents To Gen Y: I'm not helping you. You'll have to start from nothing like I did

Funded college because of loan from parents To Gen Y: I'm not helping you. You'll have to start from nothing like I did  Scumbag Baby Boomers

Bashes premarital sex and cohabitation GOT PREGNANT AT 19

Bashes premarital sex and cohabitation GOT PREGNANT AT 19  Scumbag Baby Boomers

"We love our children equally." Clearly has favorite child

"Your father and I can't afford your tuition" You: student loan them: new BMW

calls son a lazy, good-for-nothing degenerate does nothing but become obese and watch tv all day

calls son a lazy, good-for-nothing degenerate does nothing but become obese and watch tv all day  Scumbag Baby Boomers

Started 3 wars and a worldwide recession "Why is your generation so cynical?"

Started 3 wars and a worldwide recession

Outsources jobs and hires illegals Blames Democrats for the economy and unemployment

Outsources jobs and hires illegals Blames Democrats for the economy and unemployment  Scumbag Baby Boomers

Student loans? We paid for a year of college tuition by working one summer at mcdonald's

Student loans? We paid for a year of college tuition by working one summer at mcdonald's  Scumbag Baby Boomers

fought for birth control Gives you shit for not having kids

fought for birth control Gives you shit for not having kids  Scumbag Baby Boomers

Calls Millennials entitled The Millenials will pay for their social security and medicare for the next decades

Calls Millennials entitled The Millenials will pay for their social security and medicare for the next decades  Scumbag Baby Boomers
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