Scumbag Band Director

Promises next year's marching band show will be movie themed. Does Zorro

Promises next year's marching band show will be movie themed. Does Zorro  Scumbag Band Director

Promises next year's marching band show will be movie themed Does Zorro

Promises next year's marching band show will be movie themed Does Zorro  Scumbag Band Director

Promises to play Eric Whitacre piece NEVER DOES

Promises to play Eric Whitacre piece NEVER DOES  Scumbag Band Director

french horns what the hell was that

french horns what the hell was that  Scumbag Band Director

i don't always say we'll play it straight through but when i do, we don't

i don't always say we'll play it straight through but when i do, we don't    Scumbag Band Director

one minute left in class one minute to get better

one minute left in class one minute to get better  Scumbag Band Director

"We'll run this set one more time." Re-runs it for the next 45 minutes of practice.

One more time I promise I lied

One more time I promise I lied    Scumbag Band Director

Choose festival piece find out it's not approved a month before festival

Choose festival piece find out it's not approved a month before festival  Scumbag Band Director

gives you no space to work with makes you pay for dented instruments

gives you no space to work with makes you pay for dented instruments    Scumbag Band Director
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