Scumbag Earth

Cloudy during once in one hundred year astronomical event Clear skies the next day

Cloudy during once in one hundred year astronomical event Clear skies the next day  Scumbag Earth

Snows on Halloween 60 degrees in the middle of November

Snows on Halloween 60 degrees in the middle of November  Scumbag Earth

One day for inhabitants= 24 hours Orbits around the sun at an awkward 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds

One day for inhabitants= 24 hours Orbits around the sun at an awkward 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds  Scumbag Earth

Rotates so sun goes down Still makes weather hot as fuck

Rotates so sun goes down Still makes weather hot as fuck  Scumbag Earth

Warms dies

Warms dies  Scumbag Earth

Decides to end just before the weekend

Decides to end just before the weekend  Scumbag Earth

Kills John Lennon refuses to kill Dahvie Vanity

Kills John Lennon refuses to kill Dahvie Vanity  Scumbag Earth

Exists for billions of years Ends on a Friday

Exists for billions of years Ends on a Friday   Scumbag Earth

Oh its 5am? Let me show you the dance of my people

Oh its 5am? Let me show you the dance of my people  Scumbag Earth

Knows you gain weight during the holidays makes it cold so you can hide how fat you actually are

Knows you gain weight during the holidays makes it cold so you can hide how fat you actually are  Scumbag Earth
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