Scumbag Internet

Type this captcha to prove you're human No goddamn machine is EVER going to tell me to 'prove I am human'

Type this captcha to prove you're human No goddamn machine is EVER going to tell me to
 'prove I am human'  Scumbag Internet

finished browsing reddit and finally starting actual research? cannot connect to server

finished browsing reddit and finally starting actual research? cannot connect to server  Scumbag Internet

Can't effortlessly stream 1080p movie can't load shit

Can't effortlessly stream 1080p movie can't load shit  Scumbag Internet

oh, you're about to click something? time to re-adjust the page.

oh, you're about to click something? time to re-adjust the page.  Scumbag Internet

middle of workday quickmeme under heavy load

middle of workday quickmeme under heavy load  Scumbag Internet

middle of a workday? here, let me release your dhcp lease and put the neighborhood node down for 15 minutes

middle of a workday? here, let me release your dhcp lease and put the neighborhood node down for 15 minutes  Scumbag Internet

lets you buy drugs makes you learn tor and pgp

lets you buy drugs makes you learn tor and pgp  Scumbag Internet

Scumbag internet Shuts down when you need him the most

Scumbag internet Shuts down when you need him the most  Scumbag Internet

type in your credit card number to prove you're a human

type in your credit card number to prove you're a human  Scumbag Internet

Can effortlessly stream 1080p ad can't load the 480p version of that video

Can effortlessly stream 1080p ad can't load the 480p version of that video  Scumbag Internet
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