Scumbag Law Professor

"Erie doctrine? Why would I test you on that? I'd have to read it." 1/3 of the final is Erie Doctrine.

Sends e-mail at 8:30 AM Assigns 100 pages

Sends e-mail at 8:30 AM Assigns 100 pages  Scumbag Law Professor

"Professionalism and ethics are the foundations of the practice of law" Tries to sleep with students every year and massive alcoholic.

Constitutional law: answer is always "Tasmanian dams" case

Constitutional law: answer is always

covers entire casebook over the semester two hours of office hours for everyone before the exam

covers entire casebook over the semester two hours of office hours for everyone before the exam  Scumbag Law Professor

remains available during exam to ask questions refuses to answer questions during exam

remains available during exam to ask questions refuses to answer questions during exam  Scumbag Law Professor

Demands you write in short, clear sentences Makes you read nothing but long, confusing sentences

Demands you write in short, clear sentences Makes you read nothing but long, confusing sentences  Scumbag Law Professor

Teaches bar/bri review class doesn't hold review session for own class

Teaches bar/bri review class doesn't hold review session for own class  Scumbag Law Professor

Makes students buy 2000 page text book. 50% of the required reading is in handouts on blackboard.

Makes students buy 2000 page text book. 50% of the required reading is in handouts on blackboard.  Scumbag Law Professor


NO.   Scumbag Law Professor
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