Scumbag Steve

burrows a pair of ur boxers wears them for a week straight and throws them away

burrows a pair of ur boxers wears them for a week straight and throws them away  Scumbag Steve

Borrows tool, breaks it, gives it back "I can't believe you lent me something broken - I had to go buy a new one for myself"

Borrows tool, breaks it, gives it back

Faps in shower so much gets erection when it rains

Faps in shower so much gets erection when it rains  Scumbag Steve

"bro, did you do the math homework?" never seen again.

says he's going to the bathroom at bk bowl leaves

says he's going to the bathroom at bk bowl leaves  Scumbag Steve

copy paste Lil Wayne Accepella onto Datsik track.. ..Upload to Soundcloud and post on Facebook

copy paste Lil Wayne Accepella onto Datsik track.. ..Upload to Soundcloud and post on Facebook  Scumbag Steve

"I got yo back" First one to get knocked out

Says hopping on xbox in 5 mins 3 hours later NMYSCOpes signs on

Says hopping on xbox in 5 mins 3 hours later NMYSCOpes signs on  Scumbag Steve

Borrows some of your 360 games sells them to gamestop

Borrows some of your 360 games sells them to gamestop  Scumbag Steve

Mom! My vinyl and my hat collection! Outta here! DMB fest, here I come.

Mom!  My vinyl and my hat collection! Outta here!  DMB fest, here I come.   Scumbag Steve
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