Scumbag Steve

TGIF you work on saturday

TGIF you work on saturday  Scumbag Steve

scumbag paul nadaeu

scumbag paul nadaeu  Scumbag Steve

Lies to your mam Then lies again because he's a cunt

Lies to your mam Then lies again because he's a cunt  Scumbag Steve

Loses 50-0 top contender in pac-12 championship

Loses 50-0 top contender in
 pac-12 championship  Scumbag Steve

Hey bro can you do the dishes? Only one who uses dishes

Hey bro can you do the dishes? Only one who uses dishes  Scumbag Steve

Goes to an open mic night listens to headphones the whole time

Goes to an open mic night listens to headphones the whole time  Scumbag Steve

works at mcdonald's doesn't salt your fries

works at mcdonald's doesn't salt your fries  Scumbag Steve

I support the artists ...seeds torrent

I support the artists ...seeds torrent  Scumbag Steve

accepts your two weeks notice takes you off schedule

accepts your two weeks notice takes you off schedule   Scumbag Steve

Left lane open Passes you on the right

Left lane open Passes you on the right  Scumbag Steve
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