Scumbag Steve

Dentist Appointment at 3 chocolate cake for lunch

Dentist Appointment at 3 chocolate cake for lunch  Scumbag Steve

has to go up 1 floor holds up elevator

has to go up 1 floor holds up elevator  Scumbag Steve

Goes shopping Leaves trash in cart

Goes shopping Leaves trash in cart  Scumbag Steve

Sends you a gift on tetris battle small energy drink

Sends you a gift on tetris battle small energy drink  Scumbag Steve

Doaent Care Bout Total Recall

Doaent Care Bout Total Recall  Scumbag Steve

Makes a noise complaint about your snoring blasts lil wayne until 6 am every night

Makes a noise complaint about your snoring  blasts lil wayne until 6 am every night  Scumbag Steve

Loves the founding fathers but bitches about the Government. Doesn't vote.

Loves the founding fathers but bitches about the Government. Doesn't vote.  Scumbag Steve

finds out you have a sister fucks her

finds out you have a sister fucks her  Scumbag Steve

Posts something to r/new downvotes all the other posts

Posts something to r/new downvotes all the other posts  Scumbag Steve

films a performance uses ipad

films a performance uses ipad  Scumbag Steve
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