Scumbag Steve

has a huge smelly fart pushes it towards your face with his hands so you're forced to smell

has a huge smelly fart pushes it towards your face with his hands so you're forced to smell  Scumbag Steve

That jacket? Real fur.

That jacket? Real fur.  Scumbag Steve

Talks to you about people behind their back while they're in ear shot

Talks to you about people behind their back while they're in ear shot  Scumbag Steve

goes to the library talks with loud friends the whole time

goes to the library  talks with loud friends the whole time  Scumbag Steve

stands in front of ecs air when it's cold out doesn't share

stands in front of ecs air when it's cold out doesn't share  Scumbag Steve

Homeless woman holding a child on the subway asking for change... Doesn't look up from phone

Homeless woman holding a child on the subway asking for change... Doesn't look up from phone  Scumbag Steve

brags about karma reposts.

brags about karma reposts.  Scumbag Steve

sells a bunk ticket ill get you back later after i hook all my brahs up

sells a bunk ticket ill get you back later after i hook all my brahs up  Scumbag Steve

Owes you money "Get it from steve he owes me money"

Owes you money

Tells you to "shut up" during a movie... "OMG did you see that?! Tell me you saw that!"

Tells you to
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