Scumbag Steve

buys diamond earrings for girlfriend wears them himself

buys diamond earrings for girlfriend wears them himself  Scumbag Steve

skips his class to go snowboarding this week... ?

skips his class to go snowboarding this week... ?  Scumbag Steve

Doesn't Bring own beer to party Drinks your beer

Doesn't Bring own beer to party Drinks your beer  Scumbag Steve


HONDA CIVIC  Scumbag Steve

Posts Scumbag Lister Meme Lives in Lister

Posts Scumbag Lister Meme Lives in Lister  Scumbag Steve

Realizes hes scumbag steve Doesn't stop being a scumbag

Realizes hes scumbag steve Doesn't stop being a scumbag  Scumbag Steve

hails from the Dirty stalis raised in brookfield

hails from the Dirty stalis raised in brookfield  Scumbag Steve

takes change from a street performer

takes change from a street performer  Scumbag Steve

"yo bro this that dank" sells you $50 worth of stress

Asks for the one dollar you owe two years later

Asks for the one dollar you owe two years later  Scumbag Steve
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