Scumbag Steve

abuses religious people all year upvotes 'dog in heaven' cartoon

abuses religious people all year upvotes 'dog in heaven' cartoon  Scumbag Steve

watched johnny bravo used it as a guide

watched johnny bravo used it as a guide  Scumbag Steve

Plays Words with Friends every other minute Can't respond to your text message

Plays Words with Friends every other minute  Can't respond to your text message  Scumbag Steve

Takes confession bear meme And just turns it into scumbag Steve

Takes confession bear meme And just turns it into scumbag Steve   Scumbag Steve

asks for a ride home Insults your taste of music, your car, your driving behavior and asks what is the problem

asks for a ride home Insults your taste of music, your car, your driving behavior and asks what is the problem  Scumbag Steve

Cooks Doesn't clean kitchen

Cooks Doesn't clean kitchen  Scumbag Steve

Take a penny, leave a penny only takes

Take a penny, leave a penny only takes  Scumbag Steve

"It's so easy for girls to get action. Just dress up and sit at a bar." Never talk to girls at bars, then goes on reddit and complains.

doesn't answer phone Texts you back immediately after

doesn't answer phone Texts you back immediately after  Scumbag Steve

Freshman in college knocks up 7th grade girl

Freshman in college knocks up 7th grade girl  Scumbag Steve
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