Scumbag Youtube

Buffs in small player Switch the Full screen, time to buff again!

Buffs in small player Switch the Full screen, time to buff again!  Scumbag Youtube

You Pause a video to let it download so it doesn't skip it pauses downloading, and resumes skipping when you're ready

You Pause a video to let it download so it doesn't skip it pauses downloading, and resumes skipping when you're ready  Scumbag Youtube

Everyday I'm bufferin'

Everyday I'm bufferin'  Scumbag Youtube

Oh we have a great, well-liked front page that's simple and easy to use Let's change it anyway

Oh we have a great, well-liked front page that's simple and easy to use Let's change it anyway  Scumbag Youtube

I recommend you watch this video that you just watched 20 minutes ago

I recommend you watch this video that you just watched 20 minutes ago  Scumbag Youtube

Keeps complete watch history Suggests things you've already watched

Keeps complete watch history  Suggests things you've already watched  Scumbag Youtube

Oh, you watched a dirty video once by accident without going to a private browser? I'll just leave these suggested videos on the sidebar for the next six months or so

Oh, you watched a dirty video once by accident without going to a private browser? I'll just leave these suggested videos on the sidebar for the next six months or so  Scumbag Youtube

You pause to buffer Stops buffering

You pause to buffer Stops buffering  Scumbag Youtube

Millions of creative videos going undiscovered 542465th Harlem shake video gets millions of views

Millions of creative videos going undiscovered 542465th Harlem shake video gets millions of views  Scumbag Youtube

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