
Your house Has the best hiding spots.

Your house Has the best hiding spots.  Shadowlurker

Oh you thought this meme was dead? Not exactly

Oh you thought this meme was dead? Not exactly

Sink running while you brush your teeth? i run in fear

Sink running while you brush your teeth? i run in fear  Shadowlurker

Whatever you do don't look behind you

Whatever you do don't look behind you  Shadowlurker

Old memes making a comeback? Who said I ever left

Old memes making a comeback? Who said I ever left  Shadowlurker

Home alone? I'll keep you company.

Home alone? I'll keep you company.  Shadowlurker

I will stalk you so hard You will forget what sadness is

I will stalk you so hard You will forget what sadness is  Shadowlurker

don't worry I take the black guys first

don't worry I take the black guys first  Shadowlurker

Oh you forgot about me? good.

Oh you forgot about me? good.  Shadowlurker

Freddy Krueger Is me on halloween

Freddy Krueger Is me on halloween  Shadowlurker
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