Sheltering Suburban Mom

My track suit makes me feel Like a princess.

My track suit makes me feel Like a princess.  Sheltering Suburban Mom

if evolution is true why didn't all the monkeys turn into humans?

if evolution is true why didn't all the monkeys turn into humans?  Sheltering Suburban Mom

ssm likes s&m

ssm  likes s&m  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Not sure how to react to new herman cain story Forms the same opinion as Bill O'Reilly

Not sure how to react to new herman cain story Forms the same opinion as Bill O'Reilly  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Thinks "Darwin" should take care of prison inmates Firm believer in creationism


Says she's been "Catholic" her whole life Learned today what the sistine chapel is

Says she's been

Smoking one weed joint Is like smoking 10 cigarettes

Smoking one weed joint Is like smoking 10 cigarettes  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Takes a bath every morning polar bear plunge for the rest of the family

Takes a bath every morning polar bear plunge for the rest of the family  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Calls you an alcoholic for smelling beer on your breath Pounds back a bottle of wine nightly

Calls you an alcoholic for smelling beer on your breath Pounds back a bottle of wine nightly   Sheltering Suburban Mom

Gives her kids "the Talk" every friday

Gives her kids
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