Sheltering Suburban Mom

only eats foods from the local organic co-op and mcdonalds

only eats foods from the local organic co-op and mcdonalds  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Says poor people are lazy Houses 25 year old son, rent free

Says poor people are lazy Houses 25 year old son, rent free  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Prints page in word Knows everything about printers

Prints page in word Knows everything about printers  Sheltering Suburban Mom

hey, wats up! *sips sake*

hey, wats up! *sips sake*  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Makes extremely flawed statment "Don't talk back to me!"

Makes extremely flawed statment

"You should make more friends" Doesn't let you go out at night.

Criticizes 'Teen Mom' was a pre-teen mom

Criticizes 'Teen Mom' was a pre-teen mom  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tom jenkins: too much free time

Tom jenkins: too much free time  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Just walking out to the car "you'll need a jacket it's cold"

Just walking out to the car

Tells you to turn off music and put on Headphones Gets mad when you don't hear her

Tells you to turn off music and put on Headphones  Gets mad when you don't hear her  Sheltering Suburban Mom
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