Socially Awksome Penguin

Has sex Gets friend zoned

Has sex Gets friend zoned  Socially Awksome Penguin

Hot girl asks if i need a ride "No my mom is picking me up"

Hot girl asks if i need a ride

finally stand up for yourself "but, um, i don't mean to offend you guys or anything"

finally stand up for yourself

Offer to buy girl a drink She's a lesbian, buy her a drink anyway

Offer to buy girl a drink She's a lesbian, buy her a drink anyway  Socially Awksome Penguin

touches girl's tit apologizes

touches girl's tit apologizes  Socially Awksome Penguin

think of perfect comeback 3 days later

think of perfect comeback 3 days later  Socially Awksome Penguin

gets girl to flash you on skype takes screenshot

gets girl to flash 
you on skype takes screenshot  Socially Awksome Penguin

Make a funny joke Stutter

Make a funny joke Stutter  Socially Awksome Penguin

Gets to leave work early Phone is dead and doesn't want to be a bother so walks home 10 miles through the snow in shorts and a t-shirt

Gets to leave work early Phone is dead and doesn't want to be a bother so walks home 10 miles through the snow in shorts and a t-shirt  Socially Awksome Penguin

destroys an entire nebula only kills batarians

destroys an entire nebula only kills batarians  Socially Awksome Penguin
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