Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

itchy asshole alleviated when hot girl slaps ass uncontrollable fart

itchy asshole alleviated when hot girl slaps ass uncontrollable fart  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Haven't been on date in 5 years so I sign up for a dating site A girl actually emails me and asks me out So flustered I delete my account

Haven't been on date in 5 years so I sign up for a dating site A girl actually emails me and asks me out So flustered I delete my account  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

accidentally texts "want to bang" instead of "want to hang" she says sure she assumed i mistyped

accidentally texts

FIRST DATE, END UP without pants on Still goes home with girl Sleeps on her couch

FIRST DATE, END UP without pants on Still goes home with girl Sleeps on her couch  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

does something stupid interaction with a hot person of opposite gender none of that really happened

does something stupid interaction with a hot person of opposite gender none of that really happened  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Into the friendzone out of the friendzone back to the friendzone

Into the friendzone out of the friendzone back to the friendzone  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Goes to the movies alone Meets people in the line Sits alone to not be too clingy

Goes to the movies alone Meets people in the line Sits alone to not be too clingy  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Spend whole movie trying to figure out if girl is into me She is We're both virgins

Spend whole movie trying to figure out if girl is into me She is We're both virgins  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

Building closing, expect lay off Would you like to work from home? Is the boss

Building closing, expect lay off Would you like to work from home? Is the boss  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin

finally build up the guts to tell the girl how I feel She feels the same She's moving out of state in three days

finally build up the guts to tell the girl how I feel She feels the same She's moving out of state in three days  Socially Awkward Awesome Awkward Penguin
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