Success Chunk

if it's not in my leatherbound padfolio it doesn't exist

if it's not in my leatherbound padfolio it doesn't exist  Success Chunk

finally hump day for us workin stiffs am i right fellas?

finally hump day for us workin stiffs am i right fellas?  Success Chunk

hey johnson lets keep those daq breaks to 15 minutes, ok?

hey johnson lets keep those daq breaks to 15 minutes, ok?  Success Chunk

I don't read the job requirements i define them

I don't read the job requirements i define them  Success Chunk

crushed 2 more small businesses earned that marg

crushed 2 more small businesses earned that marg  Success Chunk

I work in advertising not for a telecom!

I work in advertising not for a telecom!  Success Chunk

Top caption Bottom caption

Top caption Bottom caption  Success Chunk

need to pull an all-nighter people! i won't be here, but i'll order the chinese food!

need to pull an all-nighter people! i won't be here, but i'll order the chinese food!  Success Chunk

A meme about me? Didn't hear about it, I was at abita!

A meme about me? Didn't hear about it, I was at abita!  Success Chunk

Rails on Freudian Theory Keeps copy of "Psychodynamics of Organizational Life" in attache

Rails on Freudian Theory Keeps copy of
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