Success Kid

Finds food wrapper in pack three months after leaving Philmont Didn't get eaten by a bear

Finds food wrapper in pack three months after  leaving Philmont Didn't get eaten by a bear  Success Kid

gave that bitch a banana bitches love bananas

gave that bitch a banana bitches love bananas  Success Kid

Amy Rose mistakes me for Sonic Took offer for sex anyway

Amy Rose mistakes me for Sonic Took offer for sex anyway  Success Kid

Friend Tries to Rick Roll Me Missing Necessary Plug-IN

Friend Tries to Rick Roll Me Missing Necessary Plug-IN  Success Kid

Didn't pay bh fee got to keep the book

Didn't pay bh fee got to keep the book  Success Kid

Killed a Leg or Reg member Let's trashtalk

Killed a Leg or Reg member Let's trashtalk  Success Kid

shs cafe has something other than chicken pattys winning

shs cafe has something other than chicken pattys winning  Success Kid

Have never played a Valve Game Still my favorite company

Have never played a Valve Game Still my favorite company  Success Kid

Run in local 10k Only guy wearing purple shirt

Run in local 10k Only guy wearing purple shirt  Success Kid

feel a lump while wiping butt turns out to be sweet corn

feel a lump while wiping butt turns out to be sweet corn
  Success Kid
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