Success Kid

Made out with a girl who had strep throat didnt catch it

Made out with a girl who had strep throat didnt catch it  Success Kid

Swedish soccer player talked to me successful day

Swedish soccer player talked to me successful day  Success Kid

Walks through campus late at night survives

Walks through campus late at night survives  Success Kid

Filled Out Wuces survey Have enough money to do laundry

Filled Out Wuces survey Have enough money to do laundry  Success Kid

Spun my tractricoid top Toppled

Spun my tractricoid top Toppled   Success Kid

eat at main meal doesn't get sick

eat at main meal doesn't get sick  Success Kid

Heat up leftovers Get it warm the first time.

Heat up leftovers Get it warm the first time.   Success Kid

Plane landed at gate B85 Connecting Flight is at Gate B86

Plane landed at gate B85 Connecting Flight is at Gate B86  Success Kid

Goes to bed, no upvotes Wakes up, frontpage

Goes to bed, no upvotes Wakes up, frontpage  Success Kid

Typed up Matlab code in notepad it Ran perfectly

Typed up Matlab code in notepad it Ran perfectly  Success Kid
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