Success Kid

Person walking in front of me is smoking. No second hand smoke in my face.

Person walking in front of me is smoking. No second hand smoke in my face.  Success Kid

Called my grandma Conversation lasted for less than five minutes

Called my grandma Conversation lasted for less than five minutes  Success Kid

Sends a sexual innuendo text to a hot girl She responds in kind

Sends a sexual innuendo text to a hot girl She responds in kind  Success Kid

just Got back from holidays promoted

just Got back from holidays  promoted  Success Kid

Talked into attending church youth outing Met a dirty girl in the same situation

Talked into attending church youth outing Met a dirty girl in the same situation  Success Kid

Changed a right answer to a wrong on a test is the only question not counted

Changed a right answer to a wrong on a test is the only question not counted  Success Kid

went solo to a wedding hooked up with a bridesmaid

went solo to a wedding hooked up with a bridesmaid   Success Kid

Watched a game trailer No Dubstep

Watched a game trailer No Dubstep  Success Kid

Went on Jim'll fix it Didn't get bummed

Went on Jim'll fix it Didn't get bummed  Success Kid

Mrs joswiak wasn't in special needs room Could concentrate on exam

Mrs joswiak wasn't in special needs room Could concentrate on exam  Success Kid
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