Success Kid

Born during Reagan's first term Have never changed a diaper

Born during Reagan's first term Have never changed a diaper  Success Kid

empty desk at Grainger Lamp works

empty desk at Grainger Lamp works  Success Kid

Go to sleep during Sandy Wake up with power

Go to sleep during Sandy Wake up with power  Success Kid

take out piece to pack a bowl bowl is still half packed

take out piece to pack a bowl bowl is still half packed  Success Kid

Attended extremely religious wedding in a big church Didn't burst into flames upon entry

Attended extremely religious wedding in a big church Didn't burst into flames upon entry  Success Kid

Got an embarrassing picture taken of me eating sand people think i'm the most successful kid ever

Got an embarrassing picture taken of me eating sand people think i'm the most successful kid ever  Success Kid

Started keto three weeks after the holidays

Started keto three weeks after the holidays  Success Kid

opens starburst two-pack both cherry

opens starburst two-pack both cherry  Success Kid

SMoked a bowl before mom uses car she compliments me on my new air freshener

SMoked a bowl before mom uses car she compliments me on my new air freshener  Success Kid

28 years old finally figured out that "4 shades of eyeshadow" thing

28 years old finally figured out that
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