Success Kid

Snows an inch 8 AM class cancelled

Snows an inch  8 AM class cancelled  Success Kid

Of course I like my own status I'm fucking hilarious

Of course I like my own status I'm fucking hilarious  Success Kid

sports illustrated expires this month swimsuit issue

sports illustrated expires this month swimsuit issue  Success Kid

Blacked out Didn't drunk text

Blacked out Didn't drunk text  Success Kid

Put in contacts No stinging burn

Put in contacts No stinging burn  Success Kid

it's friday and everyone is going out. time to do laundry.

it's friday and everyone is going out. time to do laundry.  Success Kid

went to del taco bowels still intact

went to del taco bowels still intact  Success Kid

cops shut down our party still made a profit

cops shut down our party still made a profit  Success Kid

forgets to stop at gas station finds a cheaper gas station further down road

forgets to stop at gas station finds a cheaper gas station further down road  Success Kid

Urge to pee arises already sitting on toilet

Urge to pee arises already sitting on toilet  Success Kid
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