Success Kid

Bus goes around corner Lean, fart, no one knows the difference

Bus goes around corner Lean, fart, no one knows the difference  Success Kid

ignored a Facebook friend request lied about not knowing the person outside of Facebook and no more messages will come from that person Score!

ignored a Facebook friend request lied about not knowing the person outside of Facebook and no more messages will come from that person
Score!  Success Kid

Hooked up at banquet didn't get on slideshow

Hooked up at banquet didn't get on slideshow  Success Kid

Got really hungry in class found a pack of peanut butter crackers in you backpack

Got really hungry in class found a pack of peanut butter crackers in you backpack  Success Kid

go to bathroom before leaving home fly was open

go to bathroom before leaving home fly was open  Success Kid

Take math midterm think you barely pass Pass with an 88

Take math midterm think you barely pass Pass with an 88  Success Kid

Gets a text Isn't from Mom

Gets a text Isn't from Mom  Success Kid

Came downstairs hungry Mom already made something to eat

Came downstairs hungry Mom already made something to eat  Success Kid

Work Week OVER TIME TO Play meme board game

Work Week OVER TIME TO Play meme board game  Success Kid

doesn odyssey of the mind for the first time as a senior recieves alumni status

doesn odyssey of the mind for the first time as a senior recieves alumni status  Success Kid
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