Success Kid

In college: partied, smoked, drank 2.6 GPA still got an awesome job that pays well

In college: partied, smoked, drank 2.6 GPA still got an awesome job that pays well  Success Kid

Cop car pulls out behind you pulls over car in front of you.

Cop car pulls out behind you pulls over car in front of you.   Success Kid

Starts a new game in pandemic 2 Disease starts in madagascar

Starts a new game in pandemic 2 Disease starts in madagascar  Success Kid

Farted in Class sound blended in with squeaky chair

Farted in Class sound blended in with squeaky chair  Success Kid

Lost cigarettes and buys more finds other pack half full

Lost cigarettes and buys more finds other pack half full  Success Kid

My girlfriend got her period Right as I left for vacation

My girlfriend got her period Right as I left for vacation  Success Kid

turned on shower perfect temperature

turned on shower  perfect temperature  Success Kid

Olympics is clogging up tv beach volleyball is on

Olympics is clogging up tv beach volleyball is on   Success Kid

Finally watched the Dark Knight Rises Can browse Reddit without worrying about spoilers

Finally watched the Dark Knight Rises Can browse Reddit without worrying about spoilers  Success Kid

Went to catholic school. No fundie friends.

Went to catholic school.  No fundie friends.   Success Kid
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