Success Kid

Sneezed while peeing stream stayed in the toilet

Sneezed while peeing  stream stayed in the toilet  Success Kid

Mentally prepared for a tough month accidently misread an 8 as a 6 on my paycheck

Mentally prepared for a tough month accidently misread an 8 as a 6 on my paycheck  Success Kid

It's been one month today since I broke off of opiates Bank account has a positive balance

It's been one month today since I broke off of opiates Bank account has a positive balance  Success Kid

Got a new girlfriend Her parents live on the other side of the country

Got a new girlfriend Her parents live on the other side of the country  Success Kid

doesn't have a penis can fantasize about sex in public without worrying about getting a boner

doesn't have a penis can fantasize about sex in public without worrying about getting a boner  Success Kid

Shampoo and conditioner ran out At the same time

Shampoo and conditioner ran out At the same time  Success Kid

Jokingly asked new girlfriend to make me a sandwich after sex She asked me what I wanted on it and made it

Jokingly asked new girlfriend to make me a sandwich after sex She asked me what I wanted on it and made it  Success Kid

listening to music while driving song ends as i reach my destination

listening to music while driving song ends as i reach my destination  Success Kid

Cancer free For 1 year

Cancer free For 1 year  Success Kid

first name is only 4 letters

first name is only 4 letters  Success Kid
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