Successful Black Man

I need fried chicken and kool aid Off of my child's cafeteria menu and replaced with healthier alternatives

I need fried chicken and kool aid Off of my child's cafeteria menu and replaced with healthier alternatives  Successful Black Man

I got Arrested for being jamal

I got Arrested for being jamal  Successful Black Man

i spent 4 years at folsom state university

i spent 4 years at  folsom  state university  Successful Black Man

i need a white bitch to breed with my Pomeranian

i need a white bitch to breed with my Pomeranian  Successful Black Man

Imma 'bout to catch this snitch and win the match for Gryffindor

Imma 'bout to catch this snitch and win the match for Gryffindor  Successful Black Man

I just fucked a white girl my wife

I just fucked a white girl my wife  Successful Black Man

Time for a joint meeting with my supervisors

Time for a joint meeting with my supervisors   Successful Black Man

fight the power companies that use fossil fuel. support renewable energy

fight the power companies that use fossil fuel. support renewable energy  Successful Black Man

White POWER ranger is my favourite

White POWER ranger is my favourite  Successful Black Man

i represent a defendant CEO who is an upstanding citizen and family man and who is innocent until proven guilty

i represent a defendant CEO who is an upstanding citizen and family man and who is innocent until proven guilty  Successful Black Man
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