Tea Party Ted

calls obama dictator doesn't know the definition of dictator

calls obama dictator doesn't know the definition of dictator  Tea Party Ted

history proves me wrong fuck history

history proves me wrong fuck history  Tea Party Ted

Pro Guns, Pro Death Penalty, Pro War, anti healthcare I'm Pro Life

Pro Guns, Pro Death Penalty, Pro War, anti healthcare I'm Pro Life  Tea Party Ted

Says you should question the government and understand your rights Has no problem with you trusting a pastor while not understanding the bible

Says you should question the government and understand your rights Has no problem with you trusting a pastor while not understanding the bible  Tea Party Ted

Has funny hat and dangling teabag thinks hippies look stupid

Has funny hat and dangling teabag thinks hippies look stupid  Tea Party Ted

You didn't make up that anti-Obama meme. You just believed it without reading the full text of the quote, considering it thoughtfully, and coming to your own conclusion.

You didn't make up that anti-Obama meme. You just believed it without reading the full text of the quote, considering it thoughtfully, and coming to your own conclusion.  Tea Party Ted

Ways to confuse tea party supporters "Can you provide some evidence to support your claim?"

Ways to confuse tea party supporters

Ways to confuse tea party supporters "obama is a marxist? i kind of see him more as a Aristotelian, possibly even a heideggerian. What do you think?"

Ways to confuse tea party supporters

wages all out war on the government plays the victim when government fights back

wages all out war on the government plays the victim when government fights back  Tea Party Ted

"liberals are bad for small businesses" SHOPS AT wAL*MART

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