Typical American Woman

ARTICULATE uhm, like, whatever

ARTICULATE uhm, like, whatever  Typical American Woman

Two cheeseburgers away from a coronary heart attack Jezebel tells my doctor to stop body shaming

Two cheeseburgers away from a coronary heart attack Jezebel tells my doctor to stop body shaming  Typical American Woman

IM WORTH IT!!! Oprah told me so

IM WORTH IT!!! Oprah told me so  Typical American Woman

Hot friday night agenda Comfort food

Hot friday night agenda Comfort food  Typical American Woman

You're just as fat me, and you think that mocking women makes you cool. Good luck with that.

You're just as fat me, and you think that mocking women makes you cool. Good luck with that.  Typical American Woman

If you guys were getting laid You wouldn't be making these idiot memes.

If you guys were getting laid You wouldn't be making these idiot memes.  Typical American Woman

A plus sized model... ...Is still a model who won't go out with you.

A plus sized model... ...Is still a model who won't go out with you.  Typical American Woman

"Fuck you I am a lady!" Burp while drinking cheap beer

Bible quotes in facebook profile in bed hungover every sunday

Bible quotes in facebook profile in bed hungover every sunday  Typical American Woman

NOT SHALLOW Finds solace in latest designer handbag

NOT SHALLOW Finds solace in latest designer handbag  Typical American Woman
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