Unhelpful High School Teacher

Finals are next week? Heres a group project and 3 essays that will be due friday

Finals are next week? Heres a group project and 3 essays that will be due friday  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Gives you work

Gives you work   Unhelpful High School Teacher

Hasn't finished grading Friday's tests by monday Scantron

Hasn't finished grading Friday's tests by monday Scantron  Unhelpful High School Teacher

math city bitch, math, math city bitch 10 10 10 20 equals 50 bitch

math city bitch, math, math city bitch  10 10 10 20 equals 50 bitch   Unhelpful High School Teacher

Teaches evolution "keep in mind this is only a theory"

Teaches evolution

"I look for Quality, Not Quantity" SETS 5000 word essay

Student asks question "You should have learned that last year"

Student asks question

Someone threw a piece of paper? "Everyone has to pick up 5 pieces of trash to leave"

Someone threw a piece of paper?

"you must bring your textbook everyday." End up using book twice

student fails test, drop grade 10% student aces test, grade increases 2%

student fails test, drop grade 10% student aces test, grade increases 2%  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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