Unhelpful High School Teacher

text book is optional the final exam will be on content in the textbook and not from lectures

text book is optional the final exam will be on content in the textbook and not from lectures  Unhelpful High School Teacher

The awkward moment when a teacher calls on you but you don't know the answer

The awkward moment when a teacher calls on you but you don't know the answer   Unhelpful High School Teacher

1+1 is? Pupil: 3 Teacher!

1+1 is? Pupil: 3 Teacher!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I don't know can you?

I don't know can you?  Unhelpful High School Teacher

the last person who smelled like smoke Got smoked. Over my husband's barbecue!

the last person who smelled like smoke Got smoked. Over my husband's barbecue!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"It is rude of interrupt people." Interrupts every sentence you say.

gives you impossible homework that keeps you up until 2AM "Oh, I'll just collect it on monday."

gives you impossible homework that keeps you up until 2AM

Tells you how to change project, Yells at you the next day for making horrible changes.

Tells you how to change project, Yells at you the next day for making horrible changes.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Just got tenured Watch this cartoon while I check Facebook

Just got tenured Watch this cartoon while I check Facebook  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Students there has been a bomb threat so we're locking you in, you're not allowed to leave.

Students there has been a bomb threat so we're locking you in, you're not allowed to leave.  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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