Unimpressed American Indian

People in France are being mistreated by immigrants. Sounds familiar

People in France are being mistreated by immigrants. Sounds familiar  Unimpressed American Indian

Your new room mate won't respect your personal space? that must be tough

Your new room mate won't respect your personal space? that must be tough  Unimpressed American Indian

"speak english this is america" seems legit

Well, I see you got those snakes and sparklers. But where's the good stuff man? Good stuff? This is the good stuff, snakes and sparklers

Well, I see you got those snakes and sparklers. But where's the good stuff man? Good stuff? This is the good stuff, snakes and sparklers  Unimpressed American Indian

Why did the indian cross the road cus the white man built a freeway right through his reservation

Why did the indian cross the road cus the white man built a freeway right through his reservation  Unimpressed American Indian

you have a final paper on the trail of tears? sounds grueling

you have a final paper on the trail of tears? sounds grueling  Unimpressed American Indian

immigrants took yer jobs? must be tough

immigrants took yer jobs? must be tough  Unimpressed American Indian

Homeland Security? A bit late now

Homeland Security? A bit late now  Unimpressed American Indian

went for dinner and got a bad reservation that must be tough

went for dinner and got a bad reservation that must be tough  Unimpressed American Indian

Tell me again, how are you being persecuted for your beliefs? that must be tough

Tell me again, how are you being persecuted for your beliefs? that must be tough  Unimpressed American Indian
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