Unimpressed Astronaut

You payed $200,000 to be in space for 13 seconds? I get paid to come here

You payed $200,000 to be in space for 13 seconds? I get paid to come here  Unimpressed Astronaut

You left footprints on the beach? That's cute

You left footprints on the beach? That's cute  Unimpressed Astronaut

Christopher Columbus? HA.

Christopher Columbus? HA.  Unimpressed Astronaut

"Go to mars." "Go Gators." Bitch, I'm on the moon, what do you want?

your gps broke while you were hiking? how scary.

your gps broke while you were hiking? how scary.   Unimpressed Astronaut

Third world success? first world problems? bitch please

Third world success? first world problems? bitch please  Unimpressed Astronaut

The moon landing never happened? Sorry, couldn't hear you. Sound doesn't travel through a vacuum.

The moon landing never happened? Sorry, couldn't hear you.  Sound doesn't travel through a vacuum.  Unimpressed Astronaut

You had to spend ten hours on a plane? That sounds rough.

You had to spend ten hours on a plane? That sounds rough.  Unimpressed Astronaut

don't get any cell phone reception in your area? Damn, same here bro

don't get any cell phone reception in your area? Damn, same here bro   Unimpressed Astronaut

you golfed at pebble beach? That's cute

you golfed at pebble beach? That's cute  Unimpressed Astronaut
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