back in my day

back in my day superheroes wore their underwear on the outside

back in my day superheroes wore their underwear on the outside  back in my day

back in my day We had progress Bars that told the truth

back in my day We had progress Bars that told the truth  back in my day

back in my day We snapped bottle caps when we wanted to throw them across a room

back in my day We snapped bottle caps when we wanted to throw them across a room  back in my day

back in my day the Internet was for university students and everyone else was perpetually offline.

back in my day the Internet was for university students and everyone else was perpetually offline.  back in my day

back in my day You needed a link cable to trade pokemon

back in my day You needed a link cable to trade pokemon  back in my day

back in my day It was near impossible to find an opaque black nail polish!

back in my day It was near impossible to find an opaque black nail polish!  back in my day

back in my day We didn't have video games, we beat niggers with sticks!

back in my day We didn't have video games, we beat niggers with sticks!  back in my day

Back in my day Lindsay Lohan was hot

Back in my day Lindsay Lohan was hot  back in my day

back in my day There weren't video games

back in my day There weren't video games  back in my day

back in my day NSFW meant boobs!

back in my day NSFW meant boobs!  back in my day
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