forrest gump jenny

i'm not a smart man

 i'm not a smart man  forrest gump jenny

i'm not a smart man

 i'm not a smart man  forrest gump jenny

i'm not a smart man

 i'm not a smart man  forrest gump jenny

I'm not a smart man

 I'm not a smart man  forrest gump jenny

i'm not a smart man

 i'm not a smart man  forrest gump jenny

thought i could only control my tv from the remote. found the touch control on the frame after 2 years. i am not a smart man

thought i could only control my tv from the remote. found the touch control on the frame after 2 years. i am not a smart man  forrest gump jenny

i am not a mature man

 i am not a mature man  forrest gump jenny

30th out of 39 i'm not a fast man

30th out of 39 i'm not a fast man  forrest gump jenny

I am not a smart man

 I am not a smart man  forrest gump jenny

We go together like peas and carrots Jennayy

We go together like peas and carrots Jennayy  forrest gump jenny
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