
I believe in equality for all fuck me, right?

I believe in equality for all fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

I actually confess things with confession bear fuck me, right?

I actually confess things with confession bear fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

I don't like divison V fuck me, right?

I don't like divison V fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

I work, and go to school full time so I can better my life. fuck me, right?

I work, and go to school full time so I can better my life. fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

I actually live in olathe fuck me, right?

I actually live in olathe fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

i don't want to exceed the speed limit with my infant in the car fuck me, right?

i don't want to exceed the speed limit with my infant in the car fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

I went to india and got raped fuck me, right?

I went to india and got raped fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

I actually give a shit about the environment and I'm against animal cruelty fuck me, right?

I actually give a shit about the environment and I'm against animal cruelty fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

I spent all my money post WWII on military so you could focus on rebuilding your country fuck me, right?

I spent all my money post WWII on military so you could focus on rebuilding your country fuck me, right?  fuckmeright

I took a paycut so I could bust my arse to help give you guys a free, quality education. fuck me, Right?!

I took a paycut so I could bust my arse to help give you guys a free, quality education. fuck me, Right?!  fuckmeright
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